Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 7-Purpose of My Life

It is great to see that a lot of individuals are taking the 30 Days of Prayer & Fasting seriously. I have been privileged to overhear many testimonies of both the challenges and victories over the flesh that we as a body experienced thus far. For those who feel defeated, I encourage you to keep your head lifted for God sees your heart. And for those who have remained steadfast, I commend your crucifying of your flesh. Let us all remember to pray when hunger pains or temptations attempt to divert our focus on God.

As for today, I can recall the time when I read "Purpose Driven Life" and not grasping the principles contained within the reading. One of the misfortunes was that I was reading the book at a time when I spiritually immature and I was seeking a profession before God. As a result, I learned little and I didn't understand the purpose of my life. Years later after seeking the Kingdom of God intentionally before others things, I am becoming more Christ-like and more focused on discipling others. Take the time today and carefully study the referenced scriptures so that you will truly know the Purpose of Your Life.

Scripture References:
Matthew 22:37, 39; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 4:19; Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 1:8; John 15:8


  1. I think today's focus is particularly meaningful for the young believers coming out of high school or college. While it's important for EVERY Christian to know that their purpose is to love the Lord and seek Him first, to love our brethren, to serve Him, to teach His word, and to bring other to Him, we are so often bombarded with the "so what are you going to do?" question. Even now in the midst of layoffs and unexpected unemployments, our focus nationally has drifted from WHAT we're going to do to get the bills paid instead of WHO we're going to be to serve the Lord. I have struggled with this at several junctures in my life, and being only 27, I imagine it will resurface many other times. However, today, as I skipped dinner and read the Scriptures, I was reminded that no matter what my job may be on Earth, I ALWAYS have a place of employment in His kingdom. And as I look around my home, my community, and my nation, I know there is tons of work to be done. After I get the kids in bed, I will pray that God will recommit all of us to seeking Him first because we know that following that, all things will be added unto us. I have always loved my EBC family. However, yesterday's sermon really gave me the mental image I needed to envision my role, here on Earth and in Atlanta, Georgia. I can remember nearly two years back when I first visited EBC and I was told that God brought me there on purpose, with purpose. My question to myself must be, am I fulfilling that purpose? I can't say that I have. So tonight, I pray that God will help me purposefully seek Him and purposefully fish other men and women. I pray that no matter how hectic or busy my day becomes, that the above are #1 and #2 on my "to-do" list.

    I extend EBC love to everyone in the fast. I'm so proud of this journey we are taking together and I know it's going to help us collectively unlock and unleash the power of our prayers. May God BLESS you all and Pastor Oliver and his family!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought this was an appropriate song for today's prayer focus...

  4. I ate at 12:04 this morning and omitted breakfast. Spending time with God in prayer, praise and worship is like going to the always feel better, no matter what you're going through, after.
