Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 13- Day of Reflection

To be honest, I have had a hard time with what to share today. My struggle has been over how to properly tie the topic of wisdom and the scripture reading into a point of discussion. In toiling over different angles of how to approach everyone, I realized that in reflecting on what has taken place over these days of fasting and praying that much wisdom has been gained. Many stories have been shared of temptations, feelings of guilt, and victories. Along with that, personal relationships with God have either begun or have been rekindled.

So take the time today to reflect on what God has revealed to you during this period of prayer and fasting. Reflect on where your relationship currently is with Him and write it down to review in the future.


  1. Although I praise God for getting me those three days I must say, MAN was I happy to see some food! Please tell me I'm not the only one! But in addition to that, I had the chance to really reflect on the last days and I asked myself, "did you get all that you were supposed to? and like Dr. Kratt said, "did you give your best?" And I had to answer honestly and say "no". Although I could have prayed a little more even read a little more, I still believe that I did not miss God! He showed up and still revealed Himself in spite of me! (My God shall supply ALL my needs and I will lack for NO-THING!) My prayer now, is that the next 3 days of complete fasting will look different from this last 3 days. I really want to grow and be able to recognize the little distractions that would cause me to deny Christ. Just like Peter, if we ever take our focus off of Him, we'll find ourselves denying Him and His will. Be encouraged, stay focused and keep praying.

    I love u my EBC family!

    M.Sterling ; )

  2. Today was actually a roller coaster day for me and I know the reason why...I did not make the time to study my word the way I have on the previous days. Because of that, the devil used others to try and distract me from my focus...God. I ask God for His forgiveness and pray that He will keep me diligent in my reading and prayer. Please pray for me EBC...the devil is really using others to throw his darts of dissension, doubt and disharmony.

  3. Thursday was a good day, I was also happy to see food again. I have notice though that I am less focus on partaking in meals, but know that I must eat to be healthy. This is a good thing cause I have always been a person that will make sure I have three meals a day and eat my meat, fruits and vegatables. I don't look at meal time the same way and I pray I can keep it that way. Friday I feel is going to be even better, this fast has helped me a lot with expressing how I feel and how I am growing I usually keep that stuff to my self. Well EBC we are moving forward and staying strong. Remember where you strengh comes from and you will overcome all temptations. Thank the Lord.

    Geneva B.


  5. Thursday was good for me as well. I was a bit timid on what to eat and my appetite has changed considerably. God knew what I needed to eat yesterday and those small meals sustained me through the day. What's been revealed to me the most is the fact that I used to wake up rushing in the morning? Rushing through quiet time, rushing through everything; but now, it's like I have time to do EVERYTHING I always made excuses for....when you place Him as your true priority he will definitely make the time for what you need.

  6. Oh-my I think I forgot to eat dinner... LOL!

  7. To All God's Warriors,
    Well, we have survived and if the truth be told after the first day and a half, it was not as bad as I had envisioned.
    I, am a new member to Elizabeth Baptist and also a new member as a Christian worshiper at 72 years old. The Lord spared my life so that I could find him at age 70. You remember the old adage it's never to late. Well it truly isn't.
    I to had many hunger pangs but to help me resist the temptation, our pastor strongly urged us to participate in prayer. And you know what folks... it works. Hunger pangs subside and you individually begin to feel stronger and you become closer to the Lord.
    I always have found that praying has been difficult for me and I have always admired anyone who was eloquent in prayer. But what I have found from this experience that it is not the length of prayer or the eloquence of chosen words; No, what is important is the sincerity and fervor of the person praying and the truth and righteousness in their heart.
    Keep praying Elizabeth and God will provide.
    Have a blessed day.
