Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 2- Adoration & Thanksgiving

An open area in the City Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas was dedicated to promoting the concept of giving thanks as a universal, human value. This internationally known area, Thanks-Giving Square, is visited by travelers from different parts of the world and is dedicated to the pursuit of understanding between different faiths and religions.

However, you need not visit an area to gain a greater understanding of your faith when the personal Thanks-Giving Square for God lies within you. Take the time to worship Him today for only He is holy and true in all of His ways.


  1. I had a Wonderful time praising and worshiping God this morning. I decided to omit breakfast and worship God in the morning, before I start my day. It was just a revitalization and renewing! Everyday should begin with Praise & Worship unto God.

  2. I again decided to omit lunch and have quickly realized that if I don't do my prayer and reading during that time (I opted to watch a movie and do my readings after) then my mind messes with me and tells me that I am starving, when it's clear that I'm not. But yesterday, when I did my prayer and reading during lunch time, I didn't even seem to think about food or being hungry! I've learned my lesson and have decided to make things easier on myself by doing my reading & praying during my omitted lunch time. Hope this helps someone that may be doing the same thing...

    Stay strong...WE CAN DO THIS!

  3. As I did on day 1, I decided to skip lunch. I will be honest and say it was not the 'best' day for me. I spent a lot of time with family on day 2, so much that I did not seem to have time to spend time with God. No excuses...I know....I am going to do better today (Day 3). I'm staying strong and am continuing to pray for everyone :)

  4. I decided to omit breakfast in the morning. This seems to be better for me. I pray in the morning and before bed....yesterday and today were great days...I feel refreshed..everyone stay focused

  5. Again, on day two, I decided to skip breakfast. However, being a Saturday, my children woke up and usually that is our great bonding time (dinner during the week and breakfasts on the weekends). HOWEVER, it was a great reminder of all that I have to be thankful for. God has really protected me and my children. I am so thankful for all He has done for us. As a single mother, sometimes I wonder how I'm going to get by day to day. But God ALWAYS finds a way to let me know that He's never too far away, and that is SHOUTING NEWS right there! I am so thankful, not just for my blood family, but for my EBC family. I know I would not be where I am today had it not been for EBC. I praise God for that!

    Keep up the good work everyone. And Raquel, I know that things will get better for you!

  6. This day I remember I did a lot of reading and talking to God. I had a good time. It's amazing how you find time to do stuff when you have a outline plan of action.

    Geneva B.
