Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 21- Prayer For Missions

What an exciting moment it is to experience the lives of others around the world. There are different cultural lifestyles, different languages, and different faces. The same is so in our country in that we are surrounded by different nationalities and cultures. Most saddening of it all are not the cultural barriers, but that all do not know the truth as we do. Missionaries are dispensed throughout the world, but all are not aware of our sinful natures and the salvation that comes only through Jesus Christ.

Just image that all would come to know that Jesus saves. Your prayer today can change this world if you can only believe.

Acts 17:30-31

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 20-Evangelism

When you pray, has your prayer ever been interrupted with the thought of others? Has your heart ever been burden with the state that others are in? To take it even further, have you been bogged down with making a big decision when you believed that the particular thought was not timely? Try praying about that matter, whatever it may, during the course of this day. Why Not?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 19- Stewardship

We all have either said or heard the statement that "Time is money". It has become a creed for some and a statement that has evoked a sense of skepticism for others. So let us briefly examine this statement to see if it contains some valid principles.

Time is said to be a tangible object that can be used for either good or bad. The same is so for objects such as treasures and talents for they all share a common similarity in that they have been given to us all to be used properly. Additionally, we have been given these objects not only for ourselves but to better the lives of others around us.

Hence, we can conclude that we all have been entrusted with tangible goods since we have time, treasures, and talents. Are you using them wisely?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 18- Relationship With Others

We all have a desire to be in the presence of God as seen by our obedience to deny ourselves during this cooperate time of prayer and fasting. This has been seen in the stories shared of physical hunger being replaced with a hunger for God; the understanding of placing ourselves in the company of individuals that will encourage us, and the thanks given for stories shared in the blog thus far. In seeing the repetition of the three previous statements being shared daily, along with the sermon from yesterday, the prayer for today is timely in affirming the importance of our relationships with others. So I will place a brief question on the table.

If we desire to better our relationship with God (who desires to be our friend), can His presence be seen in our relationships with those around us?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 13- Day of Reflection

To be honest, I have had a hard time with what to share today. My struggle has been over how to properly tie the topic of wisdom and the scripture reading into a point of discussion. In toiling over different angles of how to approach everyone, I realized that in reflecting on what has taken place over these days of fasting and praying that much wisdom has been gained. Many stories have been shared of temptations, feelings of guilt, and victories. Along with that, personal relationships with God have either begun or have been rekindled.

So take the time today to reflect on what God has revealed to you during this period of prayer and fasting. Reflect on where your relationship currently is with Him and write it down to review in the future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 12- The Race vs. The Reward

A good bit has been sacrificed over the last two days, in that we have subjected our bodies and our will into obedience to grow closer to God. So it is understandable that some are waiting for the clock to strike 12:01am, as was the case last week Thursday when many Waffle Houses and IHOP restaurants were graced with Elizabethians, but I have a few questions. Have you grown during this portion of the fast? Has your prayer-life been strengthened by having to depend on God's strength? Has it ever been the case that God has not endowed you with His power to endure this process? Yes, we all have faced moments of hunger pangs, growling stomachs, and possible mood swings. Yet, have you taken the time to feast upon His word so that you aren't caught sleeping on what He is trying to do in and through your life? Only you can answer that question honestly.

So, I ask of everyone that we read the scripture reference for today, Psalm 61:1-4, and really meditate on it. In addition, pray for a greater desire to know and please Him; greater love and commitment to Him; grace to bask in His presence; grace to glorify Him in your life.

It is my prayer that we continue to grow more spiritually mature from this experience.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Creative Cooking Ideas

First giving honor to God who is helping me through this fast, I have to share some interesting stories that have come across my desk thus far and I need the energy from everyone today.

Now the focus of this post is to help everyone know that we're in this fast together. For myself, I made the error of walking into McDonald's to buy a gift card and I had to skip out of there because of the sweet fragrance of the golden fries. Why did I place that pressure on myself is a question that I cannot answer at this time. On the other hand I have heard of some creative ideas such as juicing fruits and freezing juice to make freeze pops. Yet, the best of all has been warming up V-8 Tomato Juice plus salt and pepper to make tomato soup.

We have contrived some ingenious ideas, some more unique that others, but the underlying tone of the suggestions thus far have been to pray earnestly through the tough moments. So I would like to share a classic sermon today to equip us all. Enjoy.

CLICK on the link below to download the message.

Day 11- Renewal

The decision to change habits, gain a new focus and go in a new direction can be a hard feat to accomplish due to many hindrances. Today, we all are journeying into unfamiliar territory that can be thwarted by doubt. However, take into consideration the sacrifice that is needed to strengthen a relationship; be it a parent-child, boyfriend-girlfriend, student-pupil, or husband and wife. The depth of each relationship is based on the daily sacrifice made to grow deeper ties between both parties.

On a personal note, is it just me or would it have been better to see 3 Days of Water & 100% Juice rather than Midnight - Midnight? Someone please help me out with this thought.

Read Deuteronomy 10:12 and Philippians 3:12-14. Share your thoughts on how each passage speaks to your life today.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 8-Circumstances of The Day

We are creatures of habit. Be these good or bad habits, because that is our nature. Habits are also seen in the prayer life of Christians by the words spoken and the structure of our prayers. However, these habits can become heavy burdens even though Christ has offered us the opportunity to carry our burdens to Him. Bill Hybels wrote in "Too Busy Not To Pray", that many believers restrict themselves the spontaneity and adventure in prayer because of the type spiritual disciplines previously mentioned. Will you allow for your prayer life to flow freely?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 7-Purpose of My Life

It is great to see that a lot of individuals are taking the 30 Days of Prayer & Fasting seriously. I have been privileged to overhear many testimonies of both the challenges and victories over the flesh that we as a body experienced thus far. For those who feel defeated, I encourage you to keep your head lifted for God sees your heart. And for those who have remained steadfast, I commend your crucifying of your flesh. Let us all remember to pray when hunger pains or temptations attempt to divert our focus on God.

As for today, I can recall the time when I read "Purpose Driven Life" and not grasping the principles contained within the reading. One of the misfortunes was that I was reading the book at a time when I spiritually immature and I was seeking a profession before God. As a result, I learned little and I didn't understand the purpose of my life. Years later after seeking the Kingdom of God intentionally before others things, I am becoming more Christ-like and more focused on discipling others. Take the time today and carefully study the referenced scriptures so that you will truly know the Purpose of Your Life.

Scripture References:
Matthew 22:37, 39; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 4:19; Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 1:8; John 15:8

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 6- Prayer on Fruit of the Spirit

Today may be alarming to some in that we all are taking a journey down a road seldomly traveled. Many vices and temptations will used to divert our attention from the goal that we seek to accomplish from this quest. However, share your story of how your fruits are growing regardless of the storms that have tried to drown your joy or the sunshine that have scorched your peace. Because if your seed has taken root, you can withstand the changes in weather.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fast Interuppted

I have recently been informed that many have fallen victim to the temptress that comes in the form of grits, eggs, hashbrowns scattered, covered and smothered. Better yet, chicken wings, shrimp fried rice or smothered pork chops and the like. Yes, the incoming reports have been overwhelming and it's time to extend some support to our brothers and sisters of the struggle. No we don't need to march or picket to fight for the cause, we need to band together to encourage one another. So if you have been having troubles with sticking to the guidelines of omiting one meal thus far, make your issues known so that others can share in your struggle and provide consulation.

Day 4- Your Identity in Christ

I had the hardest time realizing that my identity in Christ is far different from the identity that has been imprinted in my mind for quite some time. I understand that I was crucified with Him when He bore my sins on the cross and that I dwell in Him and He dwells within me. However, what convicted me is that my actions are to be a reflection of He and His glory.

Day 3- Examination

In looking at life, you can easily draw comparisons. It is a tendency to say that you are either better than others because of what you don't do or that you do not measure up to others because of where you are in life. However, let's take a different approach in allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the broken areas in your life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 2- Adoration & Thanksgiving

An open area in the City Center District of downtown Dallas, Texas was dedicated to promoting the concept of giving thanks as a universal, human value. This internationally known area, Thanks-Giving Square, is visited by travelers from different parts of the world and is dedicated to the pursuit of understanding between different faiths and religions.

However, you need not visit an area to gain a greater understanding of your faith when the personal Thanks-Giving Square for God lies within you. Take the time to worship Him today for only He is holy and true in all of His ways.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 1 Prayer & Fasting

We have realized that many individuals are excited about the 30 Day Prayer & Fast that begins today. We also know that there is a continual need for encouragement and support throughout this time that we all are seeking the face of God. With this understanding, we want you to share what is taking place during this time of your life so that you can help the body grow.

So I will get the ball started. It's now 5:00am and I have decided to skip my breakfast. I have denied myself so that I can follow. Let us know what takes place with you on the first day of Prayer & Fasting.