Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 4- Your Identity in Christ

I had the hardest time realizing that my identity in Christ is far different from the identity that has been imprinted in my mind for quite some time. I understand that I was crucified with Him when He bore my sins on the cross and that I dwell in Him and He dwells within me. However, what convicted me is that my actions are to be a reflection of He and His glory.


  1. Jesus made such a BIG sacrifice for us, so why does such a small sacrifice like omitting one meal seem so hard? I would love to hear back from everyone...

  2. You're right, akw, omitting a meal is SO IMCOMPARABLY small considering the sacrifice that He made for us. And honestly, people skip meals all the time...running late and can't make breakfast....too much work to do and can't take lunch....don't feel like cooking so won't make dinner....or whatever! So why does skipping a meal for the Lord seem so hard? I think that it's an adjustment for many. And I don't think that dimishes their intentions, their committment, or even their desire to please the Lord. But if you're used to eating around your three squares, it's going to be an adjustment. Not to mention, MENTALLY, it takes some rearragement of your day/schedule to use that time you were going to eat and spend it with the Lord. For example, you might typically eat lunch on the go, but you can't read your scriputres and drive at the same time. So that would make you have to do things a little differently if that's the time you decided to fast and spend in the Word and praying. Just throwing a few ideas out there why some might find this prayer/fasting harder than they thought. It's a physical change, a time change, and even a mental change!

    As for me yesterday, I can say that the fast did take its toll on me. I omitted breakfast but then I didn't have the time to take lunch and so my only meal for the day was dinner. HOWEVER, I considered it to be good practice for the days to come in our midnight to midnight, water and juice only days.

    As for my identity in Christ...isn't it EXHILIRATING to know that He lives in you? WOW! But my favorite verse from yesterday was 1 Peter 2:24. It made me think about that Lauryn Hill song, Ex-Factor, where at the end she says "you said you'd die for me....why won't you live for me?" Maybe God is asking the same of us. Why won't we live for Him??? He died for us, and yet we find it so hard to live in the righteousness that He so deserves. I want the Lord to know that I am not just willing to die for Him (as He did for me) but that I'm also willing to LIVE for Him. I know that my daily life and my walk is a reflection of Him because He is in me and therefore, I must step accordingly.

    I bless God's Holy name for the clarity of thought you have in fasting, prayer, and good fellowship with other believers!!!

  3. I love that we are able to blog about this experience. akw, I am late answering your question, but it make me think of what Pastor said on Sunday. I can't quote it verbatim, but it was something like "people skip meals everyday without thinking about it because other things seem more important than eating at the time. When we take a stand and try to skip meals for fasting (with a purpose) we see it as a punishment." That resonated in my heart because it is so true. As a teacher I am extremely busy during the day and often don't eat until dinner when I get home. It seems to be no big deal when this happens, but now that I am fasting with a purpose it seems like a chore. The devil is a liar! Fasting is not self-punishment. Fasting is a way for us to get closer to God, which I know we truly desire to do. The first few days of this fast were very hard for me because I approached it with the wrong mind set. I have now grasped the real reason behind the fast and things are going well.

    Day 4 - Identity in Christ
    Who am I in Christ? It is GREAT to know I am a child of God. With being a child of God comes the wonderful fact that Christ lives in us! So many of us want to live, but not many of us are willing to die. I had to really think about what this meant. Life is about us trying to get closer to God. Life is not about pleasing the world and going after the things of this world. If we continue to focus on Christ being the center of our lives, then following Him will not be so complicated. I personally had to reflect and identify what the center of my life truly was. I now know it was not Christ, which is why everything about following Christ seemed so difficult. Now that I have made Christ my center and reason for living...I feel GREAT! I must pick up my cross daily and follow Him. We must be dedicated like Paul was :)
