Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 11- Renewal

The decision to change habits, gain a new focus and go in a new direction can be a hard feat to accomplish due to many hindrances. Today, we all are journeying into unfamiliar territory that can be thwarted by doubt. However, take into consideration the sacrifice that is needed to strengthen a relationship; be it a parent-child, boyfriend-girlfriend, student-pupil, or husband and wife. The depth of each relationship is based on the daily sacrifice made to grow deeper ties between both parties.

On a personal note, is it just me or would it have been better to see 3 Days of Water & 100% Juice rather than Midnight - Midnight? Someone please help me out with this thought.

Read Deuteronomy 10:12 and Philippians 3:12-14. Share your thoughts on how each passage speaks to your life today.


  1. I believe your point about relationships best speaks to both scripture references for the day. As you enter into any relationship, espcially a covenant relationship, such as that of bond-servant to Christ or that of husband-wife you must forget those things which are behind. Meaning, if you confess your sins, they are behind you, b/c He will separate them as far as the east is from the west. If you ask Him to do something with you, stop mulling and stressing over it. In a relationship b/t man and significant other, you must go forth in newness of mind and heart. You shouldn't bring on baggage, b/c that will ultimately lead to the demise of that relationship. As with the fast, we must sacrifice self, as we would in any healthy relationship, and press toward the mark. Of course we'll miss along the way, more times than we care to, but the person on the receiving end loves you enough to appreciate your effort and fervency in pursuing their heart, just as Christ does. Please don't forget in this pursuit, as the scripture reference in Deuteronomy states, that we must love the Lord our God and serve Him with all our hearts and all our souls. As we press through these next 62 hours, let's do so with love in our hearts and a fervent desire to sacrifice ourselves for the greatest victory of all. . .glorifying our Father. I pray we all continue to be steadfast in this journey, and I'm excited to see what will be shared in the next few days.

  2. As we embark on this journey of 3-day with 100% fruit juice and water only, it’s only tempting to the flesh to tell us we’re unable to accomplish such a sacrifice. Not a task, not a job, not a requirement but a sacrifice. Sacrifice is defined as the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation (the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing) or homage. Food can be seen as that material possession we seek after before we seek him in the morning and before we thank him in the evening.

    Can you sacrifice solid food for 3 consecutive days? Once you get past the mental part, you have to recognize that Paul encouraged each believer to present themselves as living sacrifices. Romans 12 1-2 states, “ Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

    In view of God’s mercy, whew, that’s heavy for me because if God decides to remove His mercy from me, what will I do? If today, God decides to place me on the back burner like I do him at times, what will I do? If God decides to take his eye of protection from me today, what will I do? Asking myself all those questions when I feel weak, tempted or have any urge to break this fast, encourage me to press on.

    Surround yourself with a group of accountability partners that will encourage you press on and discourage you from falling. God will get the glory at that end and you will rejoice!

  3. My sisters and brothers todays reading in Philipians 3:12-14 was great, but i continued to read on and 17-21 spoke volumes to me. I pray it speaks to you. Remember the sacrifice our Father made on our behalf. Pray for God to speak to you, tell Him yesterday, and earlier today were not enough. I'm telling you, He has taken me to another level, after driving back from carolina yesterday. He spoke so clearly to me. If you want Him to pour into you He will. I love all of you. When you think you cant go on and you want to pass the cup, just know that Jesus had to take the cup of being beaten, spit on, kicked,skin being torn from his bones, disgraced and ulimately crucified for you and me. So hold your head high and sacrifice your flesh with joy. Thank God for imputed righteousness, and substitutionary atonement. God Bless all of you

  4. I'm grateful that we get to drink juice and this isn't water only. Drinking juice helps, but it's almost 3pm and I must admit I'm a bit hungry.
    When I saw the "Midnight to Midnight" I was trying to see when I could get a meal in - took me a few minutes to realize that this was three days straight.

  5. Last night a severe storm & tornado warning came through my city and the news said to take immediate cover. As I sat in my bathroom, admittedly, quite nervous at the possibility of a tornado or tree falling on my house, God allowed for a friend to pray over me and allowed for me to pray to Him. During the storm is when I finally found a peace I've been praying for, for many years!

    In worship service yesterday, the praise team sang a song called, "You Are My Passion!" What powerful words those are. God told me in, that bathroom, that if I really want peace, if I really want direction for my life, then I MUST make HIM my passion, my one desire & ONLY Him. I've been praying for so long for my desires and not receiving them, God told me last night, the reason I haven't gotten my desires is because I haven't made HIM my desire! Once the death to self happens and I allow for God to be my one and only desire, all other wants and needs will fall into place. Simple as that!

    Make God, Tell God that He is your Passion, Your ONE desire, ONLY HIM...and we'll all see what God will do! God bless you all, stay strong in the Lord, Love you!

  6. Does sacrifice equal love & love equal sacrifice? What are your thoughts...

  7. What a day! It's been hard and I'm hungry as we speak. However, I've learned two things today. That if you focus on God and pray and read the Word when you are hungry, you really can get relief from your physical body. Two, I learned that I eat a lot for no reason, just out of habit when I'm idle. That's neither healthy nor necessary. So I'm glad God is revealing somethings to me. I also pray for our EBC family's continued renewal throughout this day! Be blessed!

  8. AKW, I believe that love equals sacrifice, but I can't say the converse is true. There are many people in this corrupt world who sacrifice for love of self. Just a thought.

  9. I must admit that I feel renewed in seeing all the new comments today. I was getting kinda worried because the blog had gotten kinda quiet and I was wondering about these three days.

    I need a partner....does anyone want to be my partner in this? If so, please email me at

    As for today, I cannot tell you all how blessed I am by reading your words. Your encouragment and your reminders have taken resident in my heart and I'm ready to continue with these days. I've had several moments today when I thought "aw man, I'm gonna have to break my fast, I can't do this" but we all know the devil is a LIAR!!! I CAN and I WILL do this! Those questions posed by anoynmous really hit home. What IF God considered turning His back on us, even just for a MOMENT, as we often do to Him??? Where would be then??? I too heard the sirens and experienced the storms last night. But I rested assured in the protection of the Lord. What if I didn't have that? What if I had to worry about my life or that of my kids? Surely, we owe it to him to return even just a fraction of that love and sacrifice....

    akw: you posed a question about love and sacrifice. I think that yes, they are synonomous. When I think about all the people I have loved over my lifetime, I realize that I wouldn't think twice if I had to make a sacrifice for them. On the same note, I can think of times when I've made sacrifices and even though I may not have realized it at the time, it was out of love.

    What is the very first scripture that most children are taught? John 3:16 of course. And it says, "For God so LOVED the world, that He GAVE, His ONLY...." I think that sums it up quite nicely. Jesus is God's ONLY begotten son so that makes it even more sacrificial. And why did He make that sacrifice? Out of love!!!

    Amber: through this fast, I realized that I eat when I'm stressed. Several times at work today, when things hit the fan, the first thing I thought was "man, I need to eat!" I LOOOOVE to eat, really, I do. I feel a great sense of relief and pleasure when I eat. It's not just filling of my body, but I also feel more at ease and relaxed when I eat, I get happy for no reason, and it's just an escape for me. I am glad that God is showing you ways to change your daily habits and maybe you'll be more mindful of this after the fast is over.

    Well, now that I've gotten my focus and energy back, I must wrap up this day's work at the Jay Oh Bee. But again, anyone intersted in partnering with me, please email me at I hope to hear from you!

    I'll be back later with my reflections after reading the scriptures and praying.

    Be blessed everyone, in Jesus' name!!! Love you all :-D

  10. Found a good site.

  11. Hi everyone! Today has been wonderful. I love juice, I love juice...that is what I keep repeating to myself LOL! After reading the scriptures I always read the study notes my Bible provides. God showed me that I needed to renew my desire to be Christ-like and to live up to the expectations He has for me.

    What does God Expect from us?
    1. Fear God (have a reverence for Him)
    2. Walk in all His ways
    3. Love Him
    4. Serve Him with all your heard and soul
    5. Keep His commandments

    God showed me that I had lost sight and was not doing the things He expects of me. I was allowing outside factors to take my eyes off my goal to know Christ and be like Christ. God told me to concentrate on this requirements for me.

    What is holding you back?

  12. I feel absolutely amazing today. I really can't explain what's going on...but I believe to my soul that God is working and moving within me. Believe it or not, I have only had one hunger pang today...and unfortunately I have not drunk nearly as much water and juice as I should have by may sound crazy...but for most of the day I slept...and I was not even tired because I got a full nights sleep last night...but I think that was nothing but God. I know that during my period of resting He was moving and working within me! I feel so good right if I've be communing with Him all day! For it is God that gets all the glory and honor and praise. Hang in there my brothas and sistas. God wants to do some miraculous things in the life of the church and on an individual level as well.

  13. I've read all the comments posted on the Blog and got strenghtened. I was contemplating on eating a piece of candy to satisfy my hunger. But,when I read these encouraging words I remembered why I was on this journey. GOD has blessed me,delivered me, SAVED me from the snare of the Enemy and is continuing to Bless me and My childrens life.After all that he has done.I can Sacrifice 3 days of Food. He said and When we are weak HE is Strong. I ask Him daily to Give me Strength.

    Can Someone Please help keep me motivated through these last 52 hours. My e-mail is

    I LOVE ALL my EBC Family.

    Thank You Pastor Oliver for Your Divine Leadership

  14. This morning I felt hungry and I didn't think I was going to make it. However, when I went to Publix and saw they have Juicy Juice on sale Buy 1 Get 1 Free I thank God for that. One tip that I tried was freezing juice then eat with a spoon. This was my dinner Hmmmm good.

  15. Is a smoothie considered juice?

  16. I think if you have a juicer and juice the fruit, that is allowed, but a smoothie has pieces of fruit in it and that is not allowed. I think. Someone correct me if i'm wrong.

    Someone asked me yesterday,...can you chew gum?

  17. Can you mix different 100% juices? Can I mix 100% Cranberry & 100% Apple Juice?

  18. I have been so encouraged by everyone’s testimony during this fast. I just have to keep telling myself to press, pray and persevere through it all. The funny thing is, the food is not my major issue. I have to fight to keep believing that I am doing all that I am supposed to do, so that I don’t miss God. The enemy keeps trying to tell me that I’m too busy to concentrate on praying or spending time listening to God. And the truth is, if I had managed my time in some other areas of life, I might be a little more focused. But it is what is, and I am determined to press on anyhow! I declare that I (we) will hear and be sensitive to every move God makes and every word He speaks so that we are not only convicted, but willing to change our will to HIS WILL and be in position to receive the blessings that He has waiting to give us. We will lack nothing when we complete this fast. Everything that God intends for us to know and understand will be revealed. I really believe that! His promises are real and true. The one thing that we can count on is that, HE called this fast (read Isaiah 58) and has given us the GRACE to complete it. Why else are you so determined to stick to it this time, when in the past, you would have given up by now? If He called it, we can trust that He has a purpose in mind. So let us remain alert and ready to move when He speaks….shhhh did you hear Him??? What is He saying to you?


  19. To all my bloggers and fasters, I applaud you for staying focused and faithful throughout our congregational fast. Undoubtedly, there have been moments that you’ve contemplated recanting your decision to continue this season of fasting and praying. However, I trust that you have been motivated and encouraged by the testimonies that have been posted on our blog. As I have shared with you, fasting is a spiritual discipline that requires mental toughness in resisting the fleshly impulses of self-indulgence. At this period your flesh as well as mine is adamantly protesting compliance and commitment. Perhaps you have heard the same diabolic suggestions as I have to give in to your hunger. As your pastor, I challenge you to stand strong in the grace of God. Receive the promise of Scripture, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Stay mindful of the procedures for fasting as outlined in the recent message: (1) Shift Your Focus To God; (2) Subject Your Flesh Before God; (3) Seek Fervently After God. As we touch and agree as a congregation, energy and synergy is established for the manifestation of God’s Power and Glory among us.


  20. God will provide! Amen! I am so excited to see all the encouragement. Yesterday went pretty good for me. Everytime I felt a hunger pain, I prayed. And believe me, I felt some hunger pains, but it's all good. I am like Amber, I eat for no reason. I love food. However, I am learning so much about myself through this fast. Hallelujah, God is good! Wow! I feel great today, I feel like shouting. My EBC sistas and brothas stay close to the word and pray not only for yourself, but for one another. Just as anonymous said, God called this fast and we will succeed. Remember, it's only as hard as you allow it to be. Believe in the word and what God has in store for you and there is no way you can fail. Continue to keep each other lifted.

    Thank you Pastor Oliver


    That's all I can say right now because I am simply OVERWHELMED by the strength I am finding in you all. A special shout out to Quan and Shalondia for joining me as my partners in this.

    God bless you all. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about what He is doing in our church!!!

    I love you, Pastor Oliver. I pray God's continual blessing on you and your family for surely His work is being done through you! I thank Him EVERYDAY for you and your anointed LEADERSHIP!!!!!

    Day Two everyone. Let's get it!!!!

  22. I just finish reading the blogs and I am encouraged. I know I can do all things through Christ. I have found when reading his word and praying I was no longer hungry for food but for his word. Thank You God! I am ready for the next two days because God is Good. I know God is working with me and through me. Pastor Oliver I want to thank you for this time and teaching us.

  23. I wanted to piggy back off another post that mentioned that Publix has Juicy Juice BOGO Free.

    Kroger has the V8 juices for 2 for $5.00. (Be careful not to get the Splash, as it is NOT 100% Juice)

    However, I thought between the Publix sale and the Kroger sale, we have evidence that God wants us to succeed in this fast! Don't let the devil trick you into thinking you have to eat. Not only are we nourished through the Lord's word which is our bread, but He also provides for our nourishment through healthy drinks made from fruits and vegetables.

    Be encouraged!

  24. Hello All,
    Well today is the second day and I'm not dead so I can make it all the way(smile). The scripture for today is a revelation/reminder for me that the battle is ongoing. We must arm ourselves daily. A commentary, from the Word For You Today from January 29,2009,states that "The size of the prize determines the severity of the fight". I believe that a closer walk with God,a more focused church,and a geater "manifestation of God's Power and Glory among us" is a prize worth fighting for. So let's gear up and get going. The battle is on!! Stay Strong.

  25. I admittedly had a moment of weakness yesterday and gave in to the flesh but I thank God because even in my weakness so many things were revealed about who I am...and because of that exposure I continue to "press toward the mark" because I need a change to draw closer to God. I will say that those things in which we seek clarity on have to be completely turned over or we will continue to worry which completely blocks prayers and impedes our fast. What I should have done was, in the famous words of my late grandmother, "hauled off and gone to shoutin'" for the breakthrough I anticipated. Thankfully we serve a God that is full of grace and mercy and even while I was busy helping myself to lunch yesterday (my spirit was so heavy I couldn't enjoy my meal) I know that Jesus was still interceding on my behalf because of who He is!

    Brothers and sisters let me encourage you to venture out to Whole Foods. The selection of 100% fruit juices is delightful and made from only pureed fruits and pure juice. The consistency is thicker and therefore more filling:-)

    Be encouraged and I pray that sharing my experience will help someone. Be blessed and stay strong!

  26. It is so good to see that we are in this together! Thanks so much for all the the comments. I have been uplifted and given a new boost of energy to get through the next day and 1/2. I must admit, last Wednesday was quite a challenge for me. At first, when I read that it was water and juice All Day, I thought it must have been a type-o. I did not understand why the Lord would require this of us. I was beginning to get angry because all I could concentrate on was eating. Then, I went to church on Wednesday night and the minister touched on why it is important for us to fast. He mentioned how The Lord is trying to take us to another level, but that He can't take us as we are right now. He also mentioned how we need to link together because if one of us falls, then it leaves the other person exposed to the devil. This was powerful to me. Pastor on Sunday also mentioned that fasting also gives us more insight into God's will and plan for our lives.
    So, I just want to encourage everyone that We Can Do This! Hang in there. We're already half way through.

  27. I just wanted say that it helps to have partners while going through the fast. Those people who you can call, email, IM, Facebook message or whatever when you are in need of some support & encouragement. We are taking this journey together and each day brings us closer to our goal and closer to our God.

    So please stay encouraged Elizabethians. Take the limits you have set for yourself in the past off and walk outside the your normal box. You will be suprise at what you can do when you lean and trust not on yourself and your own understanding.

    Peace, Blessings, & Prayer to you all,

  28. Wow...self discipline and control of the body is harder than I thought. I attended church on Sunday and was very inspired by the message from Pastor Oliver about prayer and fasting. Today's 1:20 p.m. (day 2) and I'm having a hard time staying out of the kitchen. I keep drinking juices and praying at my desk. Don't think I have ever done anything like this before. Thank you Pastor Oliver for the leadership, guidance and leadership you provide to all of us. We need it!

  29. Its good to see that everyone is staying strong..continue to stay focus and do not let temptation distract you. We have another day of JUICE & WATER and we CAN DO IT TOGETHER. Over the last weeks I have learned so much about myself and others. Things that happen before the fast I didn't recognize or pay attention to; but now I can sense so many positive or negative things in my surroundings.

    As the days go by I have gained a significant amount of FAITH. I am allowing faith to guide and lead in all instances that occur. I pray constantly asking GOD, how can I please him more. As I continue to believe and put my FAITH in GOD, I know that it will be presented to me in due time.

    Do you all feel at peace, happy, joyful, no sense of urgency, calm, pleasing? It feels so good to sacrifice something for GOD!

    I say to ALL my EBC family rely on faith and everything else will follow....


  30. This day was a little hard for me, I was shocked..last week we had to only do one day of water and juice and I was ok. I guess the idea of not eating for a few days made my body rebell. I ended up going to sleep at 7pm to avoid eating. During the work hours I prayed and read the bible, so that helped. Tues is will be better. Stay encouraged saints. God is our strong tower.
    Geneva B.

  31. akw you can mix juices I do, and I really liked freezing my juice too, I see someone else has done that already. Chewing gum, I don't know about that, that makes me hungry rather than curving my appetite, because your chewing and nothing is going down.

    You long post is very inspiring. I have also experienced peace recently, before we began this fast, and I feel so relieved and ready to do more and go higher with God. Stay strong.
    Geneva B.

  32. Good Afternoon my EBC family,
    I want to thank GOD for all of you... This experience or MOVE OF GOD has come at a time in my life when I felt like there was really no hope. I walk around everyday and smile, I work everyday with children and I motivate, I listen everyday to my friends and I inspire and I pray everyday for a relationship with my family and the health of my grandparents to improve, YET THERE IS STILL A VOID... In all of that, I can say that I long for a closer relationship with GOD. I sat down today and read all of the blogs and realized the power that WE have to endure. God simply wants us to strengthen as a body and we all know that in unity there is strength. GOD is bringing us together at this very moment. Creating relationships and mending broken ones. You all have helped me to see the hope and the promise that yet awaits if I yet hold on. This is just the beginning of what GOD is about to do, stay strong and be encouraged...
    Even-the-more, thank you for being that family that I have longed for...

  33. Yesterday was really a challenge for me. There were several times during the day I just wanted throw up my hands and eat, BUT God! At one of those times the thought of running came to mind. I remember starting a long run, and how difficult the first mile can be. Your mind is saying you can do it, but your body is pushing back. Usually after the first mile hit a grove and a nice stride...mind and body are in agreement. Isn't that where the father wants us to be? In agreement with is perfect will.

    To make my juice more appealing, I put it in pretty stemware. The juice seems to taste better if it's in a pretty glass :)

  34. I love y'all...for real!

    I HAD to laugh at the last comment...I might try that pretty stemware with my V8. I also might hit up Whole Foods tomorrow at lunch.

    I wanted to share my story with you all today....

    as I shared yesterday, I realized in this fast that food is my stress relief. And work has been soooo stressful lately. Well, today was no exception. Only that it was HIGHLY INTENSIFIED. I knew that the devil was going to be hard at work in his displeasure at our success in this fast, so I anticipated being hit from every angle. But my goodness! I started to break down and cry today because I felt literally ATTACKED by my boss and my peers at work. And then a friend reminded me of Isaiah 54:17 and I knew that they efforts to break my spirits were in vain. And then I reminded myself of Romans 8:31...surely if God is for me, then they cannot stand to be against me. I praise Him for the revelation that I had today. Now I understand what "spiritual warfare" is all about. It dawned on me in my "breakthrough" that I serve only ONE Lord and Master, and that is my awesome, omnipotent, and omniscient Father in Heaven!!! I'll do my best on my job to utilize my skills and brains to be pleasing unto Him. I'm finding that it doesn't matter how hard you try to please'll always come up short. They never appreciate you or your hard work. But I thank God that I serve One who knows my heart, who appreciates my gifts, and who is pleased with my toil.

    In this fast, be encouraged my EBC family that we are pleasing our Heavenly Father. And we know that by bringing ourselves closer to Him, we are showiing our thanks for all the battles (spiritual and otherwise) that He has already won for us.

    I'd also like to add that I attended a farewell luncheon for an old co-worker/friend and even though the waiter looked at me like I had twelve heads when I did not order any drink, asked for a cup of ice, busted out my V8, and then didn't order any food. We were at Maggiano's and I LOVE Italiann food (my favorite) and STILL...the enemy did not break my spirit. I'm so proud of myself. And I'm proud of you all too!!!

    So....who wants to go to Maggiano's on May 10th???!!! LOL

    Be blessed everyone!!!

  35. lilcali2mama, thank you for your posts! I totally understand being attacked. I teach, and two of my best students that never give me any problems both decided to act up today. I had to kick them out of was really that bad! Now that I think back I know it was the devil trying to break me down. He almost got me, but God is good and has given me the strength to deal with the day to day struggles of being a high school teacher.

    Honestly, I am sooo hungry right now, but I am ignoring the feeling by reading these posts and focusing on the reason we are doing this fast. I feel so blessed to be a part of such a supportive Church family. I love you EBC!

    Thank you so much Pastor Oliver for your leadership. I pray that God continues to bless you and your family!

    Be blessed EBC :)

  36. I was so encouraged to see the comments you have posted regarding your struggles and JOYS during the fast. I pray God will continue to speak to your heart and most important that you will hear His voice and be ready to immediately obey Him.

    FYI the passage reading for today is Psalm 61:2-4.


  37. I must admit Day 1 was a breeze and I said I could make it through, but Day 2 came and my Bible was without a doubt my BEST FRIEND!! My body became slightly weak and even candy looked filling. I saw every Fast Food, Fine Dining, and even Weight Loss commercial immaginable on TV yesterday, and I took it a s a sign from God to turn it off and go to his word for comfort.

    I've been trying to lose that last 20 lbs. for a while now and I believe God revealed it to me on how. Stop going to food for comfort and seek his word. It is the best comfort that you could imagine.

    Thanks EBC family and Pastor Oliver for your leadership. My life is forever changed. Stay blessed and see you on tonight to praise his name!!! I'm so excited!!

    Melisa A.

  38. Thanks for the clarification. I couldn't figure it out so I just read the whole Psalms! Makes for a great prayer, doesn't it? :)

  39. Today is almost like new beginnings of sorts. I was sharing with a friend at Elizabeth that it seemed like a New Year's celebration. Many celebrations include counting down to the New Year. I must confess I was counting down for 12:01 to come this morning. Not so much the fact that I could eat (which i did) but to celebrate the fact that I made the sacrifice or denied by body of what it needs for 3 days!! My motto for the week is "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out the mouth of GOD." (Matthew 4:4) This experience has been nothing but mind blowing!
    Monday was quite an adjustment. I think morning and evening were the toughest because I'm used to eating something during those times.
    Tuesday I was getting settled and began to cruise. I went and bought Donald Lawrence new CD the Law of Confession and listened to one of Pastor Oliver's best " Breaking The Holding Pattern". I have listened to this a few times before. Seemingly this particular time it seemed as if I was on the front row and Pastor was preaching directly to me. During this 3 day fast of all liquids my dependency on GOD has drastically increased. It almost seems as if I had a heart condition because he has definitely pulled some junk out that was hindering me from advancing to the next level.
    I think part of the reason many of my prayer have gone unanswered here lately is because of my heart. I wasn't as open as I should have been to receive what I was asking for.
    This has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. It really helps when you have people around you that hold you accountable as well. I know on Monday I called and friend and told her I was Hungry and she began to pour into me. After that I was even more determined to present my body as a living sacrifice.
    I am forever grateful to Pastor Oliver for his leadership and my EBC family for your support and encouragement!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
