Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 12- The Race vs. The Reward

A good bit has been sacrificed over the last two days, in that we have subjected our bodies and our will into obedience to grow closer to God. So it is understandable that some are waiting for the clock to strike 12:01am, as was the case last week Thursday when many Waffle Houses and IHOP restaurants were graced with Elizabethians, but I have a few questions. Have you grown during this portion of the fast? Has your prayer-life been strengthened by having to depend on God's strength? Has it ever been the case that God has not endowed you with His power to endure this process? Yes, we all have faced moments of hunger pangs, growling stomachs, and possible mood swings. Yet, have you taken the time to feast upon His word so that you aren't caught sleeping on what He is trying to do in and through your life? Only you can answer that question honestly.

So, I ask of everyone that we read the scripture reference for today, Psalm 61:1-4, and really meditate on it. In addition, pray for a greater desire to know and please Him; greater love and commitment to Him; grace to bask in His presence; grace to glorify Him in your life.

It is my prayer that we continue to grow more spiritually mature from this experience.


  1. In the topic of the day, The Race vs. The Reward, some questions were asked, here are my answers...
    Have you grown during this portion of the fast? I can honestly say, I have, Praise God. I now have to physically depend on the LORD rather than just saying it.
    Has your prayer-life been strengthened by having to depend on God's strength? Wow...has it ever. I used to think that you had to pray these long prayers to God or it didn't count. That you couldn't just say, "God, please help me." But now, I have come to realize, that God did not put a length on our prayers. We did that to ourselves. God cares about the substance, not the length of our prayers.
    Has it ever been the case that God has not endowed you with His power to endure this process? No, God has supplied my needs. Yes, it has been a challenge physically, but nothing worth having is not without it's challenges right. My goal in this process is to make God my passion, my one desire, so I welcome the challenges (race) to get the reward (God).

  2. Amen AKW, I completely understand you when you say you thought God didn't hear the little prayer. God has definitely sustained me and motivated me to keep on keeping on during this time of fasting and praying. My behavior has changed, things I thought I didn't have time to do I have the time to do them now. Medicine I thought I had to take, I haven't had a need for it over these 3 days. God is an awesome God and he indeed is the strength I needed to survive.

    There are some of us who haven't made it this far, but they made it further than they ever thought they would and I want to commend them on their sacrifice. Know that God still has His hand on your life and you need not feel defeated because tomorrow is a new day. As Pastor always tells us, brush yourself off and straighten those shoulders. Start again. Just when Satan thought he won, he will be shut down when he hears you proclaiming victory in Jesus name.

    This whole time period takes me back to an old Marvin Sapp song when he says "...but to you, 40 years is just one hour...." What is 3-days to Christ? That's my Psalms 61:12 prayer and meditation for this day. I have to tell myself He deserves more of me because I know I can give more to Him.

    Press on EBC, press on!!


  3. Thanks for sharing your answers to the questions, akw. I like what you mentioned about the length of our prayers. I used to think that also. And I used to feel envious of those that pray so eloquently. In writing, I feel much freer to say what is on my mind. But when it comes to just "off the dome", I can sometimes fail in my words. However, during this fast, I have learned that God is not looking for us to be great orators, but rather to OPEN our hearts up to Him. I loved learning about the cycle of prayer because it forced me to remember that even when the words escape me, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ are interceding on my behalf. I now find it easier to pray with an open heart. I'm not so worried about the WORDS that I say, but just that I lay my heart before the Lord. And that is something I wasn't truly able to do before. I used to pray as if others were listening and I worried about what I said and HOW I said it. Now I am able to pray with my heart and spirit, and not my brain.

    Growth: I have definitely grown, not just over the past three days, but since this fast began. I must admit that I didn't at first think that skipping one meal would make a difference. But I found that I had to plan my day accordingly so that I could skip that meal. Whether it was getting more work done so I could focus on the Lord during lunch or putting the kids to bed early so that I could use the dinner/evening time with God, I found that it made me literally THINK about God ALL DAY LONG! No matter what I've been doing, He's been a constant thought in my mind. That is new to me. I know that in the past, I'd think of Him regularly, but not CONSTANTLY. So I would say that's been the growth I've experienced and my biggest prayer is that I maintain that when we complete the fast.

    Also, I feel so in love with the Lord. I have always loved the Lord, but my adoration, reverence, and complete awe and fascination with/for Him has grown considerably. He's that father figure I want to make proud of me. He's that new love that I want to impress. He's that friend that I want to prove my love for. I can't say I would have reached such depths without the fast because it's opened my eyes up to how assuredly, He is my everything.

    God's Strength in this process: has been simply wonderful for me. I realized the other day after reading an article on fasting that suffering from anemia, I REALLY should have sought my doctor's advice before taking this fast. I ALMOST backed out on Monday because of that. But instead, God reminded me that even so, His strength is enough to endure me. And as we see, I'm still alive and kicking!!! I praise His Holy and AWESOME name!!!

    I also want to share that God has really been speaking to me through this experience...or rather, I really have learned to listen to Him. I have had several "revelations" or epiphanies that I cannot credit to anything other than my Heavenly Father. He has also placed in my heart to be of greater service. This morning I was told to volunteer my time at a homeless/food shelter....this really moved me because when I was younger, for a large portion of my childhood, my family was very poor. My parents were on drugs and consequently, we often went days without food because there simply wasn't any. I often like to think that I have succeed DESPITE those circumstances, but God reminded me that I have succeeded BECAUSE OF those circumstances. And I would be remiss if I allowed myself to become so far removed from those circumstances that I neglect to help those currently in it. So I now know that I must pledge my time and my money to assist those who are still in the struggle.

    I encourage my EBC family to remember that while we are WILLINGLY sacrificing, there are so many others out there who have not. While we wait for the clock to strike midnight, let us not forget those who do not know WHEN the next time they can eat will be. My prayer for today is not only that my passion and committment be restored in the Lord, but that my service be consistent with the love that I feel for my Father above and my brothers and sisters on Earth.

    May God continue to bless each and every one of you on this day and I sooooo look forward to seeing you at church tonight!!!

  4. P.S. Sorry for the NOVEL! I guess I got carried away ;-)

  5. Food ~ who needs food?!?! LOL!
    My fast actually had to be adjusted and my three days don't end until Thursday at midnight...
    Gotta be a church tomorrow night... Oh-Boy...
    I feel fine. Im not struggling half as bad as I was on last Wednesday when it was just one day.

    The entire fast has strengthened me and I have really proven to myself I can do this with MUCH prayer. I love to eat food! It's one of my hobbies. Eating, singing, and sleeping (in that order)!
    But it's a sacrafice and like someone mention in a previous blog. Love = Sacrifice.

  6. Throughout this fast, I find myself being more deliberate in taking the time to pray and study. I try to keep myself in constant communication with Him. I want to remain plugged into Him so that I am not missing out on His direction for me. While the physical affects of the hunger has been impactful, it is the complete surrender to my Father that has been the most influential and transforming. Everytime I have felt the headache or stomach growl, I was compelled to read a Word or pray. It is in those moments, that He has revealed things to me. I believe I am already permanently transformed. I look forward to the days to come.

  7. First of all I would like to just thank God for placing this fast on our Pastor's heart and him passing it on to his sheep. This has truly been a chore for me, because I love to eat, so to deny myself of eating has been a challenge, but I find myself thinking today, that I can go on longer, so this fast along with my studying Beliving God by Beth Moore has allow me to get closer to God,so I am excited to see what breakthroughs as well as blessing God has for the people that have endured to the end. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  8. Thanks to everyone for the blogs and showing me that I'm not in this alone. I had spoken to others EBC members that had stopped fasting (or never started) and that became discouraging. I really didn't imagine that I could get through 3 days without eating. I would get anxious whenever I thought about it in the days prior. But look at God, here we are almost to the end of these 3 days and I feel like I could actually go another. The Lord has really sustained me by His word. Lilcali2mama, What an awsome testimony! I pray that the Lord continues to work in all of our lives in such a powerful way. IRM

  9. This is my first time fasting and I can honestly say that I am so amazed at how God is working through me and for me! I never thought that I could go 3 days without any food but what keeps me going is the fact that Jesus suffered for our sins and if he can die on the cross for me, the least i could do is skip some meals. I'm much closer to God now through prayer and his word. I pray that the Lord will give everyone grace and mercy to keep moving forward! Love you EBC!! Tiff

  10. Anonymous, I have also been studying Believing God by Beth Moore and with fasting scripture and prayer; along with studying has definately stregthen my relationship with GOD; and has allowed me to lean on FAITH. I am more anxious and feel obligate to PLEASE GOD. I am thankful to have support, and read everyone encouraging words to keep us going. As we continue believe and lean on faith you will get through.

    Stay Blessed

  11. Quite honestly, I had to "get my mind right" headed into the 3 consecutive days of fasting. But I have learned the meaning of true self denial and its not holding out because you can't have something but it's opting to restrain when you can it. I am grateful to My "Daddy-God" for showing me just how sufficient His Grace really is. I am also grateful for the Pastor that He placed me under and I know that He has great things in store for the Elizabeth Baptist Church family both collectively and individually.

  12. The fast has been an eye opening experience. I have never really been a super breakfast person so I was fine with skipping that meal but the 3 day fast was looming over me all weekend....I am so glad I have done it. I did not even want to stray off the path whatsoever...not even a piece of gum!

    I will say I have definately noticed the change. Blessings and sustainement all around. I also get headaches very easily, so I would pray and praise God when I felt the hunger or head pains coming. Also for some reason, Gospel music has put me at ease also.

    I learned so much through this fast and things that I think are important. I will definately apply this fast mentality to every area from my social life, finances, career, etc.

    As Pastor Oliver said...if you can deny your flesh the things that it needs, you can definately deny flesh of things that it wants...

    And I lost 4 lbs

    Stand Everyone!!!!!

  13. Hello All,
    Just came from church and the "Spirit was High" like the senior saints say.The Word was wonderful. Just had a good time!!!

    Yes. I have grown and my prayer life transformed,I listen a lot more now rather than saying anything or a song will come to my heart that I will sing. I listen and hear God speaking to my heart in more and more situations.My expectancy on the movement of God is on a whole new level.
    Lilcali2mama take all the space you need,we serve an Awesome God and there are not enough terabytes to tell it all. I love this encouragement. "So glad I'm here" at EBC.

  14. Eating is natural, I think three days without eating is going against nature. Jesus was able to do so because we all know that he was supernatural. This is just my flesh talking because I have not fed it in two days 21 hours and 43 minutes. And it's screaming, "FEED ME!" But guess what? "I'm not doing it!" All day I have craved foods I don't even eat any more, such as pork, a meat lover's pizza, ox tails, my mama's baked ham, etc. I realize it is Satan that's putting all the things I use to desire in my mind. To God be the glory because as it gets closer to mid night, I am growing less hungry. I may eat some salad or maybe some cheese and crackers but nothing like I was craving earlier. Romans 8 I will let nothing separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

  15. 5:45 AM and I rejoice in my celebration with the Lord for carrying me through three + days of not feeding the flesh. My last meal was around 8:00 PM on Sunday. That's 82 hours of counting on the Lord! I agree with KLC, the Spirit was ever present yesterday in the sancutuary. Dr. Kratt delivered an awesome message and I'm sure we're all more prepared to give God our best! Isn't it funny how "nature" (as anonymous said) tells us we should be weak, lethargic, and out of it and yet we were singing and praising His Holy Name...."how great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God, ALL will see, how great, how great, IS OUR GOD!!!" Yes, He is great beyond words!

    Well y'all, the kids are still sleeping (I think the Lord for that one too!!!) and the house is quiet and I've got an english muffin and cheese eggs with my name all over it! Thanks for sharing your AMAZING journey with me and reading mine and can you believe we've gone 11 days already? Let's keep each other encouraged the remaining days. I'll be skipping lunch today so I'll come back and post again.

    Prayers and shout-out to our loving Pastor and his family.

  16. Please read fellow sistas and brothas!! There is a proper way to break your fast and of course I learned the hard way as many of you will because the flesh will want what the flesh wants. It is recommended that you eat something light and not go straight to the Waffle HOuse. Trust will likely be doubled over and in pain if you so straight to something solid. You see...I figured and also experienced that it does not take the body a very long time to recognize the food that you haven't eaten in 3 whole days as toxins in your body! So...your body will more than like deny it...if you understand what I mean! But I hope that everyone will be fine and not be doubled over with stomach aches! We are almost halfway through this thang and I feel so amazing...except for today of course...but even with my bad stomach...God is still Good!!!

  17. My prayer life has become stronger, I am noticing I have slacked off a bit until I starting this fast. I find time to read more at work and not socialized with co-workers as much.

    I have to say last night those last two hours of the fast was the worst for me, I wanted badly to go to sleep, but my head started hurting like a bad migraine. I prayed and it still was there, I told my sister I just wanted to go to sleep, but she said you haven't eaten three days eat light and then try to go to sleep. So I ate and was up for another 2 hours. However God is good, I woke up on time, and I am not sleepy or groogy like I was on Mon through Wednesday. God is really Good. I will continue to press on and hope you do the same.

    Geneva B.

  18. CMB: I'm glad you shared that story and maybe it wasn't too late for others to adjust accordingly. For me, I WANTED to eat, just becaues I "could". I think more than anything I just wanted to chew something and feel it rolling around on my tongue. But my stomach wasn't having it! I was sooo excited to eat breakfast but my appetite wasn't there. So I just backed off and drank more. I INTENSELY enjoyed some sweet tea (one of my favorite things about living in the South, they don't serve sweet tea in Cali) I did manage to eat at lunch though, but again, it was very light... a salad and some greens, a *little* chicken, but I still don't have a hungry feeling yet. I got one SERIOIUS sweet tooth though. I bought a Milky Way and I think I'm going to devour it! Ummmm....chocolate...that was the HARDEST thing for me to sacrifice during the fast!
